SMU Law Review Forum

The United States Senate must expeditiously confirm United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas Magistrate Judge Irma Carrillo Ramirez, who has definitely earned appointment to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and will become the appellate court’s initial Latina member. This regional circuit effectively resolves substantial appeals, enjoys a large judicial complement, and certainly possesses a reputation as the nation’s most conservative appellate court. Ramirez, whom President Joe Biden nominated in mid-April, decidedly provides remarkable gender, experiential, ideological, and ethnic judicial diversity and has rigorously served as a Magistrate Judge and Assistant United States Attorney in the Northern District of Texas for practically three decades. The jurist has excelled in law’s upper echelons since 1991. The post that Ramirez will occupy has now been empty for more than one year. Therefore, the Senate needs to promptly confirm the highly qualified, mainstream nominee.
Recommended Citation
Carl W. Tobias,
Confirm Judge Irma Carrillo Ramirez to the Fifth Circuit,
SMU L. Rev. F.